Showing posts with label blog traffic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog traffic. Show all posts

Monday, October 15, 2012

Tips for Attracting Traffic to Your Blog

Starting A Blog That Gets Good Traffic

Do you want to start blogging but don't know how to attract many visitors? This article will cover many of the blogging basics. Follow along if you want to learn how to launch a blog that gets a lot of hits.

You have to choose a topic that you are very familiar with and that you will enjoy writing about. Unless you are absolutely certain that something is true, avoid including it in your writing. With the vast wealth of information available online, people simply need to fire up a search engine to check your facts. Nothing is more embarrassing than getting called out for false information in one of your blog posts.

One mistake a lot of blog owners make is not updating their readers frequently. Try posting from one to three times a week if you really want to keep a solid flow of incoming traffic. However, don't fall into the trap of posting just for the sake of making a post. If you don't have anything to say, it is better to skip a post than to write a boring or thin article. Try to keep things in moderation, but do update people on what's going on.

Find a guest blogger and host some of their postings. Having another point of view through another's eyes can be a refreshing change of pace. If you can, see if they will host a posting of yours as well. This can be beneficial for both of you because it gives you access to one another's traffic. Make sure that you read over their post before putting it up just in case they have something in there that doesn't work with your host's terms of service.

Go to other blogging sites and see what they're talking about. It can be inspiring to see what other people are doing in your niche, and it can help you see if you're making mistakes or not. The key is not to copy, but to get ideas and inspiration. It's never wise to completely copy someone's content. Ask for permission before using anything from another blogger or website. If you cannot contact them, at least provide a link to your sources and give credit where credit is due.

When someone leaves a comment, it needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Sometimes you will get asked questions or someone will have some kind of concern about your topic. This makes readers feel like you care about them and can make them come back to see what you said back to them.
You are probably going to get comments on your blog and some of them won't be very nice. People tend to speak their minds more online than in real life because of the feeling of anonymity. Don't take everything too personally, but do learn from your readers' comments. Make sure you're also moderating them in case some sort of spam comes through, or something too offensive to other people.

Blogging is fun and can even be a source of income if you do it correctly. You just have to learn what you're doing prior to starting it up. Apply the aforementioned tips to your blog if you want to increase your traffic.