Friday, October 12, 2012

5 Sources of Ideas For Your Blog Posts

5 Sources of Ideas For Your Blog Posts

As a blog writer, you know how important it is to regularly update your blog. Updating your blog will keep your readers coming back, and if you provide them with relevant, interesting information, they will keep reading your blog. But how do you find ideas? How do you handle writer's block? This article has some ideas that will have you turning out great content in no time at all.
  1. Think about expanding your horizons. Examine whether the scope of your blog is too narrow. You may think you have writer's block when the fact is that you are talking about purple widgets, for example, but the problem might be that you are getting tired of purple widgets. Simply start looking for ways you can expand your focus, which may give you more ideas about what you can write about in your blog.
  2. Ask your readers. Readers can be a wonderful resource in their own right. After all, you are trying to give them information they want, correct? Why not simply ask them what they would like to see? You will find that they appreciate the communication and are more likely to stay loyal to you, since you took the time to open a dialogue with them.
  3. Keep a notebook with you. This is a great way to write down ideas when they pop into your head, for example. You might also be out and about and see something that you want to talk about. A notebook is an easy way to help you keep all those ideas you have, so you can flesh them out later when you are sitting in front of your computer.
  4. Do an interview. This is a great idea if you just can't think of anything to write about. An interview just requires that you express interest in someone else, and allow them to provide some content for you. Of course, you do have to come up with a list of questions, but the subject of your interview should interest you enough to keep conversation flowing well enough to provide you with a fleshed out piece.
  5. Get guest posters. If you can't come up with anything at all, that's when it's a good idea for you to look elsewhere for content. You can reach out to those who work in your industry and know you. They will likely be more than ready to jump in for you while you get over your writer's block. Make sure to offer people incentives so that they are happy to blog for you. Allow them an author text box and a link back to their site. Guest posts are a win-win situation for everyone!
After reading this article, you should have more ideas about how best to proceed with your blog. Everyone has writer's block sometimes, but as a blogger it's important to have a plan in place for when that happens. Make sure you keep these tips in mind so that you always have great content for your readers.

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