Friday, October 26, 2012

Making An Impact With Your Blog

Making An Impact With Your Blog

Whether this is your first blog or your tenth, starting on the right path to making an impact blogging is important. Anyone can write a blog, but if you want to do it well and craft an interesting and engaging blog that develops loyal readers, follow these suggestions.

First, choose a topic you love. When you write about something you are passionate about, that passion comes through to your readers. Plus, you are much more likely to look forward to and stick with a schedule of creating posts when you care about the subject.

Simply being passionate about your topic isn't enough. Drawing readers in from the first sentence of every post is important, too. Aim to start each blog post with an intriguing question you then answer throughout the post or a sentence or two that immediately grabs the attention of your readers.

Once you get the attention of readers, you must keep it. Always keep your writing engaging with a friendly tone. As you expand on the topic, though, you also want to come across as someone who knows the topic well, so write with confidence. Stay passionate all the way through each post.
While making yourself sound authoritative on your topic strengthens the confidence your readers have in you, avoid using overly complex words or technical terms. If your blog topic is technical in nature, more technical words are appropriate. However, the use of overly complex wording or obscure words is more likely to scare readers away than to keep them as loyal readers.

Ultimately, your writing and passion are what keep readers returning, but your blog's layout matters as well. Create a layout that fits the topic of your blog but that stays inviting. At the same time, don't create a layout that is too busy or confusing - both frustrate readers and make them less likely to stick around for future posts.

The layout doesn't only apply to the overall look of your blog. For every post, watch the length of your sentences and paragraphs. Long sentences can get confusing, making readers miss the point of what you are trying to say. Long paragraphs are never a good idea. Online readers typically skim instead of actually reading every sentence to look for the information in which they are the most interested. Because of this, keeping paragraphs shorter encourages online readers to keep reading.

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